February 25, 2009

Why do I never post in this? Huh! Anyways, I'm chillin here at work and I was thinking...it always amazes me what goes on behind the scenes here that never ends up in the paper. Like for instance when that soldier barricaded himself in his house with all kinds of guns and had to be talked out. Everything went fine but at the same time...there was a sniper on the roof of the next house just in case he came out acting crazy. Did that end up in the paper? No because it happened without incident and newspapers are all about sensationalism right?

What about the time the guy shot himself right in front of his friend and had to be airlifted to the hospital. Did that make the paper? Nope, because the guy sucked at sucide and he's going to pull through. He'll probably be a vegetable but he'll be alive so no story there.

Which brings me to my point. When did newspapers become tabolids? Don't get me wrong. I love a good gossip fest as much as the next person!(Hello, I have People.com bookmarked!) But newspapers are supposed to be about things that are going on in your city/town/hood...not what's happening three thousand miles away with the latest award show. *sigh*

Maybe I'm just getting tired of everything being soooo...geared toward celebrities and what not! I'm tired about hearing about that stupid lady who had eight kids. I'm tired of hearing about Chris Brown and Rhianna, I'm tired of hearing about what Mrs. Obama is wearing(and that woman can dress)...I just want some NEWS!!!

*end rant...

So how y'all doing?!:P